
I'll admit it, I should have been born in the past.  I used to think the 1800s would have suited me fine, but being a woman then would suck.  Not to mention, I like indoor plumbing (who doesn't)?  Recently, however, I found a new love:

The 1950's

That's right.  From big skirts to bright polka dots to bigger sunglasses--I love it all.  AC laughs that I'm stuck in the 50's, but let's face it--the fifties did a lot of great things.  Lots of amazing things came from the 1950's!
Bubble wrap!  Color TV!  Even my father! (I won't put a picture of him...he would Not be pleased if I did)

I sat down in the mindset to figure out the root and cause of my love (not obsession, I'm sure) with the era when I realized it.

The 1950's knew how to dress fat people.

Now before you go all mad-dash "How could you say that?!" let me clarify:
I am a fat chick.  I'll admit it; I've always been the chunky kid.  And y'know what?  It's not a shameful thing.  Everyone's always like, "You'd be so pretty if..." and "If you lost a few pounds..."  and I used to believe the lies.  It was honestly only recently I truly realized how harmful those lies people tried to tell me were.  My prettiness isn't a size.  I don't need to be a size two in order for someone to rate me.  I don't really wanna be rated anyway.  I love who I am--curves, rolls, arm flab and all--and nothing's going to change that. 

You see, I came to the realization because of two people.  The first is the fiance' (I know, cheesy it sounds) but when we first got together, it baffled me how he could find me attractive with my extra weight.  I understood he loved me (what can I say?  I've got a great personality) but I've never been confident about my body image.  And not only did he find me attractive, he liked it.  I wasn't a twig he could snap in two (the boy's  6'5....he dwarfs me, honestly). 

Enough about that though--not the point.  The second person, who I actually technically found before John--is The Militant Baker.

Who the hell is she, you say?  Some crazy army pastry chef?  Not so much.

She  is only one of the greatest blogs I've come across recently.  You can visit her here.

She's all about body advocacy and loving yourself and she says it a lot better than I do, so go, right now.  Go visit the blog!  ...well, let me finish my post first.  Bring it up in a new tab.

Right, back to the fifties.  Their clothing is not only super-cute (Most of the time) but the women of the fifties weren't all skinny twigs.  They were women of all shapes and sizes, and no one was telling them they were wrong for not fitting the 'mold'.

John and I at his brother's wedding.  He was best man.  Yes, they did camo and orange. 

I'm not honestly really sure where I was going with this post...maybe it was to show off my rockin' pink dress and petticoat?  Or to tell everyone to read Jes' blog because it's awesome?  Maybe a combination of both.

The dress, by the way, I bought online at ModCloth, only one of the most addictive and plus-size friendly stores out there!  Go there, but beware...it's addictive!