Dear LB (2)

Dear LB,

My job, which you know I love, requires me to deal with all sorts of people. Most of these people are very nice (at least to me), some of them annoying, but 1 in particular makes me want to explode. Without naming any names, let's just say she's older & therefore has been working a lot longer than I have, & thinks she therefore knows better than anyone. This woman, who I am required to work in tandem with to tutor a student, talked down to me like I had never written a paper in my life.

LB, with all due respect to this woman's experience, I know what the hell I'm doing. I know how to write & I know how to tutor. So here's my question: how do I get her to back off without blowing my top? I'd rather not taint my reputation at work by exploding, but if this woman continues to talk to me or to the students we tutor like we're 5 & lack a basic understanding of English, I am going to blow a fuse.


Dear English-Proficient,
Here's the thing, from the sound of it, this woman sounds like the type to think she knows a lot, while truly knowing very little. I suppose taking calming breaths doesn't help? Perhaps you could talk down to her, to see if that does anything? I give you kudos for not killing this woman already. 

Honestly your best bet would be avoiding this woman as much as you can. If you must suffer her company, two options: kill her with kindness, or impress her with knowledge. Both will annoy her endlessly, & that means my job is done. 

Best regards,

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