My Oily Adventure!

Alright guys, I gave AC the option for the blog post topic of today, and even though I was really rooting for a recipe (which would give me an excuse to bake again...even though we have a plethora of food in our home), she said...oils!  Which I'm totally cool with as well.

First, let me tell you, the following oils are not intended to treat diseases, be a miracle-cure, or anything like that.  They're meant to support healthy living, enhance your day-to-day life.  They can help you clean green, and minimize the potentially hazardous chemicals that are in your household products.

Second, not all oils are the same.  Some are watered down, some contain more than just the EO (essential oil--making it easy for me to type later on).  The only oils I will use are Young Living Essential Oils.  Why them?  Well, for a number of reasons, some being:

1.  Seed-to-Seal Guarantee
2.  They own their own farms.
2.  The Oily Community.

What does all that mean exactly?  Well, here's the breakdown:

1.  Seed-to-Seal Guarantee: It's all about quality. What this means is that from the start of every tiny plant (the 'seed') to the moment they're bottled up and sent on their way to your happy home (the 'seal'), YL is a part of the entire process.  They use careful distilling techniques to get the purest form of oil.  I could explain it til' the cows come home, but they have a wonderful website here that explains it so much better than I ever could.

2.  They own their own farms:  This ties in to #1 a bit.  They have farms all around the world, and take pride in every one.  Every weed that's plucked at their farms is plucked by hand.  Harsh pesticides and chemicals aren't used.  If a crop doesn't come in because of weather conditions or whatnot, they don't sacrifice the oil or blend (a combo of oils) for the sake of production.  For example, because of some weather conditions, Peace & Calming and Valor is out of stock for the foreseeable future. But there are some other blends that work just as well to replace them with. 
3.  The Oily Community:  This may be my favorite reason.  I didn't realize going into oils the support I would receive, not only from my up line but from our 'little' online community.  I say little, but The Sweet Team, headed by the wonderful Melissa Poepping, has over 12,000 members!  When I'm unsure or have a problem, I can log into our Facebook group, search to find my answer, or ask a question, and I have many, many people willing to help me.  It's a great support system for any new oiler.  

Now,  I was introduced to oils by a coworker when I was working at the credit union.  They intrigued me, so I thought I'd give it a try.  You have the option of buying retail or becoming a member and buying wholesale.  As a member, you save 24% off the retail pricing, have an enormous amount of community support with the Sweet Team, and have the ability to participate in Essential Rewards (blog post on that later).  As you can imagine, I became a member.  I bought my premium starter kit, got my oils and diffuser and went...what do I do with them?

Simple....just start.
My messy shelf...someday I will have a better place to put my oils

 Close up of some of my most-used oils

I diffused heavily for the first weeks, and I still very much love my diffuser.  Then I started using PanAway on John because of his restless legs.  And you know what?  It helped!  I've made hand soap, bath fizzies, bath salts, and bug spray with my oils.  I tend to use Valor on my wrists in the morning, Joy on my heart.  I dilute Lemon for everything from scrubbing pots and pans to washing floors to getting labels off of bottles (it's a great goo-b-gone substitute!)

I'm sure as I blog more, you'll hear more and more about my oily adventures.  If you're interested, you can sign up here. Use me as a referral (see info below) to join the ever-expanding Sweet Team!  If you have any questions, comment here or email me.  I'd love to help you be a part of your oily adventure!

Using me as a referral:  When you sign up, it will ask if someone referred you, and ask for a name and member number.  This is the info you would put.
Laura E. Zeimetz
Member #: 1922342

I could go on about the reasons why I love Young Living, but why don't you check them out and see for yourself? 

To end with, I give you some of my favorite YLEO memes:

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